Ireland's No.1 for Marketing Freelancers
1,350+ Specialists on our books
Experienced team with deep knowledge

Take your freelance business to the next level with this exclusive Indie List offers!

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We know that one of the major concerns freelancers and contractors have is around their financial well-being: making sure they’re earning enough, minimising their tax outlay, claiming legitimate expenses and setting themselves up for long term security.

To help address this, we have been able to structure an exclusive Indie List package of services tailored for people like you.

Contracting PLUS is Ireland’s market leader providing compliant accountancy solutions to professional freelancers. They focus on providing the best solution for you so that you can be confident you are always maximising your earnings.

Our pals at Contracting PLUS will provide you with your own dedicated expert providing advice on everything from tax, expenses, revenue submissions, etc. Contact us if you’d like us to set up a ‘no obligations chat.

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