Ireland's No.1 for Marketing Freelancers
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How to Find & Hire Freelancers As An Irish Company

Who is this guide for

This guide is tailored for Irish companies, particularly SMEs, looking to leverage freelance talent to meet their business needs. Whether you're a startup aiming to scale quickly or an established business seeking specialised skills, this guide addresses the common challenges and provides actionable solutions. 

Irish business is facing a looming talent crisis with 1 in 4 employees changing jobs in the last year alone and a major shortage of skilled full-time workers expected in the run up to 2030. Freelance workers are a great cost-effective solution but finding the right freelance talent can be daunting. From sourcing candidates to ensuring compliance with new Revenue recommendations, Irish companies face unique challenges. This guide offers a step-by-step approach to hiring freelancers, ensuring that your business can find and onboard the right talent efficiently.

Many Irish businesses worry about the reliability of freelancers, the quality of work, and the legal implications of hiring non-permanent staff. This guide acknowledges these concerns and provides strategies to mitigate risks, making the process smoother and more transparent.

With years of experience in helping businesses navigate the freelance marketplace, this guide distills best practices and expert advice. Drawing on our industry insights, we aim to build trust and offer valuable knowledge that resonates with your needs.

5 reasons why Irish companies hire freelance talent

Irish companies increasingly turn to freelance talent for several compelling reasons. According to a study on freelance marketing talent, businesses benefit from the flexibility and cost savings that freelancers provide.

1. Flexibility

Freelancers offer the flexibility to scale your workforce up or down based on project needs without long-term commitments. This adaptability is crucial for companies dealing with fluctuating workloads.

2. Cost Savings

Hiring freelancers can be more cost-effective than full-time employees, as it reduces overhead costs related to office space, benefits, and other expenses associated with permanent staff.

3. Access to Specialised Talent

Freelancers bring a wealth of experience and specialised skills to the table. This allows businesses to access top-tier talent for specific projects, ensuring high-quality outcomes without the need for extensive training nor impacting on head count and fixed costs.

4. Skill-Specific Expertise

Freelancers often possess niche expertise that might be hard to find in the general job market. Whether you need a digital marketing expert, a graphic designer, or a senior marketer who can advise on strategy, freelancers can fill these roles with proficiency.

5. Project-Based Hiring

Engaging freelancers on a project basis allows companies to match talent to specific tasks, ensuring that every aspect of a project is handled by someone with the right expertise. The pricing for projects is agreed upfront, based on a common scope of work with agreed outputs, so there are no surprises.

What types of freelance roles are Irish companies typically hiring for?

Irish companies commonly seek freelancers in various roles to fulfill specific needs. Some of the most in-demand freelance roles include:

Fractional CMOs: Experienced marketing leaders who can offer strategic guidance on a part-time basis.

Freelance Graphic & Web Designers: Professionals skilled in creating visual content for print, online, packaging or events and designing user-friendly websites.

Content Writers: Writers who specialise in creating engaging and SEO-friendly content for blogs, websites, and social media. Specialised writers can also help companies in the B2B sector where the messaging might be more technical and complex and therefore needing a more understandable interpretation by a writer who understands the customer.

Digital Marketing Freelancers: Experts in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and email marketing who can drive online campaigns.

Project Management: Freelancers who can work with clients and other stakeholders, oversee and coordinate projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.

Programmers: Software developers proficient in various programming languages and technologies to build and maintain software applications.

Statistics of freelancing in Ireland

Freelancing is on the rise in Ireland, with more professionals choosing this flexible work style. According to recent statistics, the number of freelancers in Ireland has grown significantly over the past few years, reflecting a global trend towards gig economy jobs. It is estimated that the size of the so-called “Project Economy” is 6 times the size and value of the lower-cost “gig” sector (e.g., delivery drivers, etc.). In the Irish marketing services sector, for instance, freelancers number around 6,000 people compared to around 3,800 employed across all of the marketing communications agencies.

Benefits of hiring freelancers for Irish companies

Hiring freelancers offers numerous benefits for Irish companies. Incorporating insights from multiple sources, we explore these advantages in detail:

1. Scalability

Freelancers enable businesses to scale their workforce according to demand, making it easier to manage peak periods without the burden of permanent staffing.

2. Reduced Overhead Costs

Freelancers typically work remotely, which eliminates the need for office space and reduces expenses related to utilities and office supplies.

3. Enhanced Innovation

Freelancers bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from working with various clients and industries, which can stimulate creativity and innovation within your company.

4. Quick Adaptation to Market Needs

Freelancers can be quickly onboarded for urgent projects, allowing your company to respond rapidly to market changes and opportunities.

5. Access to Niche Skills

Hiring freelancers gives you access to specialised skills that may not be available internally, ensuring that specific tasks are handled by experts.

Is hiring a marketing freelancer worth it?

For many Irish companies, hiring a marketing freelancer proves to be a worthwhile investment. The benefits often outweigh the costs, especially when considering that freelancers can provide high-quality services at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employees, making them a cost-effective solution. Furthermore, hiring a freelancer with targeted expertise ensures that specific marketing challenges are addressed by professionals who understand the nuances of your industry. Such experienced freelance marketers often bring a high return on investment by delivering effective campaigns that drive sales and brand awareness.

Additionally, marketing freelancers often possess well-rounded experience, gained from working with a variety of clients, which is particularly valuable for Irish companies working towards specific marketing goals that are difficult to develop in-house. For instance, freelance marketers can be an invaluable resource for your company, helping to develop and refine your brand identity and online presence—from SEO to social media engagement—in new, innovative ways.

How to find and hire the right freelancers for your business

Finding the right freelancers involves a strategic approach. Here’s a suggested guide on how to successfully hire freelancers for your Irish company.

What are the best platforms and networks for finding freelancers in Ireland?

Several platforms and networks are ideal for finding freelancers in Ireland. Here’s a closer look at some of the channel options:

1. The Indie List

A specialised platform for hiring freelance marketing talent in Ireland. Indie List offers curated profiles of experienced freelancers, making it easier to find the right match for your projects.

2. Upwork

A global platform that connects businesses with freelancers across various industries. Pros include a wide talent pool and robust tools for project management. Cons include higher fees and potential competition for top talent.

3. Fiverr

Known for affordable freelance services, Fiverr offers a range of professionals who can deliver quick and cost-effective solutions. However, the quality can vary significantly.

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for finding freelancers with specific skills and experience. The platform allows you to view detailed profiles and recommendations, ensuring a good match for your needs.

What does the typical process of hiring freelancers look like for most companies?

Hiring freelancers typically involves several key steps to ensure a successful match and project completion.

1. Establishing your project goals and requirements

Defining clear project goals and requirements is crucial for the success of any freelance project.

Project Scope

Outline the project scope in detail, including the tasks to be completed and the expected outcomes.

Deadline Management

Set realistic deadlines and milestones to ensure timely completion of the project.

Budget Planning

Develop a budget that covers all aspects of the project, including freelancer fees and any additional expenses.

Desired Outcomes

Clearly define the desired outcomes to ensure that both you and the freelancer have a mutual understanding of the project goals.

Skill Requirements

Identify the specific skills required for the project and ensure that the freelancer possesses these skills.

2. Sourcing candidates

Finding the right candidates could involve a combination of online and offline strategies.

Freelance Marketplaces

Explore freelance marketplaces like The Indie List to find candidates who specialise in your required skill set.

Social Media Recruitment

Utilise social media platforms to reach a wider audience and connect with potential freelancers.


Leverage your professional network to get referrals for reliable freelancers.

Job Postings

Post job advertisements on job boards or websites to attract potential candidates.

Networking Events

Attend industry-specific networking events to meet freelancers in person and discuss potential projects.

3. Assessing skills and experience

Evaluating a freelancer’s skills and experience is essential to ensure they can meet your project requirements. These include the following:

Work History Evaluation

Evaluate the freelancer’s work history to ensure they have experience with similar projects.

Portfolio Reviews

Review the freelancer’s portfolio to assess the quality and relevance of their previous work.

Skill Assessments

Conduct skill assessments or tests to verify the freelancer’s capabilities.

Reference Checks

Check references to gain insights into the freelancer’s work ethic and reliability.

Certification Verification

Verify any certifications or qualifications that the freelancer claims to have.

4. Conducting interviews and evaluating portfolios

Interviewing freelancers and evaluating their portfolios are crucial steps in the hiring process.

Creative Briefs

Provide creative briefs to evaluate the freelancer’s ability to understand and execute your vision.

Case Studies

Review case studies to see how the freelancer has successfully completed similar projects.

Portfolio Presentation

Ask the freelancer to present their portfolio and discuss the thought process behind their work.

Behavioural Questions

Ask behavioural questions to understand how the freelancer handles challenges and collaborates with clients.

Technical Tests

Administer technical tests to assess the freelancer’s proficiency in required skills.

5. Drafting the necessary contracts and agreements

Creating clear contracts and agreements helps protect both parties and sets the stage for a successful collaboration.

Intellectual Property Rights

Ensure that the contract outlines the ownership of intellectual property created during the project.

Confidentiality Agreements

Include confidentiality agreements to protect sensitive information.

Payment Terms

Define the payment terms, including milestones, payment methods, and deadlines.

Termination Clauses

Incorporate termination clauses that outline the conditions under which the contract can be terminated.

Deliverable Timelines

Set clear timelines for deliverables to ensure the project stays on schedule.

6. Onboarding

Proper onboarding ensures that freelancers are integrated smoothly into your team and project.

Exclusive Talent Pool

Consider creating an exclusive talent pool of preferred freelancers for future projects.

Streamlined Hiring Process

Develop a streamlined hiring process to make onboarding quick and efficient.

Customisable Service Options

Offer customisable service options to meet the specific needs of different projects.

Local Market Understanding

Hire freelancers who have a good understanding of the local market and business landscape.

Dedicated Support

Provide dedicated support to freelancers to help them succeed in their roles.

5 Reasons why choosing Indie List for finding and hiring freelance marketing talent is simply better

Indie List offers several advantages for Irish companies seeking freelance marketing talent:

1. Access to Large Pool of Freelancers

The company has access to close to 1,400 freelancers most of whom are based in Irelad and provide a diverse range of skills across marketing, advertising, creativity and digital marketing.

2. Vetted Talent Pool

Indie List provides a pre-vetted shortlist of the ideal candidates with the right skillsets and experience based on the client brief.

3. Full-time and Freelance Candidates

While the majority of the Indie List talent pool are freelance by choice and wish to remain so, there is around 15% of the base who desire to return to full time roles. This provides clients with the perfect opportunity to “try before buying”. In other words to work with particular freelancers on a short term contract and then agree a longer term permanent role if it suits both parties.

4. Contract Security

It provides a clear contract for the client which covers the scope of work, pricing, payment terms and important elements such as Intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements and termination clauses.

5. Additional Talent Solutions

Many clients are now looking for independent providers who can help advise them on important areas such as their marketing strategy, auditing and advising on their marketing spend and more recently, AI training for themselves and their teams. These are all solutions that The Indie List can provide.

How to hire marketing freelancers on the Indie List step-by-step

Hiring marketing freelancers on Indie List involves a straightforward process:

Step 1: Project Brief

Define your project requirements and create a detailed job description and then talk to the Indie List team to refine any unclear elements.

Step 2: Shortlist

We analyse our database & shortlist 2-3 suitable candidates.

Step 3: Connect

We provide the client with candidate profiles, portfolios, CV’s and estimated rates. They meet, agree a scope of work, finalise the budget and timelines, and then proceed.

Step 4: Contract

An agreement is prepared and sent outlining responsibilities, scope of work, costs and payment schedule. 

Step 5: Payment

The freelancer bills The Indie List within the agreed schedule. We invoice the client including our fees and expect to be paid within 14 days on the invoice date. 

What supports are available for Irish companies seeking to hire freelancers for the first time?

The primary state support for Irish companies using freelancers is the Trading Online Voucher, created by LEO (Local Enterprise Offices) to assist small businesses. It offers financial assistance of up to €2,500 with co-funding of 50% from the business along with training and advice to help your business trade online, increase sales and get to new markets. It is typically used for website development, digital marketing support (excluding advertising purchase), and strategic advice.

Further information on available grants are on the LEO website.

How can Irish companies ensure compliance with labour laws when engaging freelancers?

Ensuring compliance involves understanding local labour laws, drafting clear contracts, and consulting with legal experts to avoid potential pitfalls.

Intellectual property rights and confidentiality

Protecting intellectual property and maintaining confidentiality are crucial when working with freelancers. Clear contracts and agreements should outline these aspects to safeguard your business interests.

Additional resources for Irish companies looking to hire freelance marketing talent

Several resources are available for Irish companies, including industry reports, online guides, and professional networks, to help navigate the freelance hiring process.

Two that we recommend are:

1. Contracting Plus

Contracting Plus provide umbrella companies and accounting solutions for Professional Contractors and Freelancers in Ireland and the U.K.

2. Employers Direct

Employers Direct offer expert employment law advice exclusively for employers and business owners. They can answer questions on anything from employee codes of conduct to holiday pay and employment contracts and can speak to them for free initial advice.

Interested to know more? Schedule a call to discuss your requirements with the Indie List team:

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